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JS Express Delivery is your gateway to seamless international shopping, connecting you with global e-commerce effortlessly.

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Shipping Restrictions and Guidelines

JS Express

JS Express Shipping Restrictions and Guidelines

Items We Cannot Ship Include:


Items We Can Ship Under Specific Conditions:
  • Fragrances (Perfume, Cologne, Body Mists, Aftershave): Must be authentic, new, and factory-sealed. No shipment for counterfeit or questionable quality products. Weekly shipments are available.
  • Dietary and Workout Supplements: Must be factory sealed, unused, and unopened.
  • Fragile Items (Glass, Ceramics): Shipped at the sender’s risk.


Packaging Regulations:
  • Products with lithium-ion batteries must be separated from other items like clothing or makeup according to airline packaging regulations.
  • JS Express reserves the right to package items in accordance with legal requirements of the countries involved in the shipment route.


Service Specific Restrictions:
  • Differences exist between what can be shipped under our “Buy & Ship” service versus our “Shipping Only” service. Certain items might be allowed under “Buy & Ship” with specific conditions.


General Policy:
  • JS Express retains the right to refuse shipment of any product or shipment at any time.